Nov 09, 2014 With equal amounts of memory in both slots, memory can be interleaved so that successive chunks of memory alternate slots. That way, memory access gets distributed to both slots almost perfectly evenly, allowing their bandwidth to combine. With uneven amounts, memory cannot be interleaved and has to be mapped first to one stick and then the other. The installation of most SIMM memory is the same. The memory is placed into the slot at a 75-degree angle and while still in the memory slot, moved to a vertical (90-degree) angle. As the memory module is moved to a vertical position, it should snap into place. When installed, ensure that both sides of the memory module are snapped into place. Slots 2 & 4 are suggested in build guides etc because they're further away from the CPU socket so tall ram is less likely to cause clearance issues with aftermarket coolers. Also males them easier to remove should you have a problem. Jan 21, 2017 Most mobos work like this: 2 ram sticks go in slot 2 - 4 if you have 4 sticks put em all in. My msi manual told me to put it in slot 2 - 4 too akd iv got 8gbs in 2 sticks. Plus its a commen way of indtalling ram since it uses dual channel.

What Slots Should Ram Be In

Your motherboard supports dual channel memory. So ideally for best performance you should have identical capacity pairs of memory in both slots.Should

I had a quick look at the Dell online specifications for your model and it says the maximum memory is 4 GB though your post suggests 16 GB.


Your system supports:
Dual-Channel DDR2 SDRAM (533MHz)

Your system manual with regards to memory states:

Your computer has a minimum memory configuration of one DDR2 memory module. This memory module must be installed in DIMM1. If two or more DDR2 memory modules are installed, they should be installed in pairs of matched memory size, speed, and technology. If the DDR2 memory modules are not installed in matched pairs, the computer will continue to operate, but with a slight reduction in performance. See the label on the module to determine the module’s capacity.

Now to your question:
You currently have two sticks of 512 MB in each slot giving you 1 GB total dual channel RAM.

Your upgrade options are as follows:

2 x 1 GB RAM giving you 2 GB RAM in dual channel mode
2 x 2 GB RAM giving you 4 GB RAM in dual channel mode - This is your Max

What you are proposing is to put in 1 x 1GB memory in one slot. That will work. However, it will work in single channel mode and hence slower.

Furthermore when you want to upgrade later say to add another 1 x 1GB you may not be able to get a match to your original to create a matching pair. Some systems are not too fussy so long as both slots contain the same size and rated memory, others are more fussy. I do not know how yours will behave.

My view is go for a matched pair of 1 x 1GB. That way you get dual channel performance and it will be the better for it anyway.
Finally check your motherboard, does it have 2 slots or 4 slots? The manual suggests that it should have 4 slots.

If it does have 4 slots then your options increase.
For example you could add another 2 x 512 MB RAM in dual channel mode in the remaining two empty slots. This would give you a total of 2 GB (4 x 512 MB)

What Slots Should Ram Go In India

Personally in that event I would go for 2 x 1GB RAM in dual channel mode in the 2 empty slots. This would give you a total of 3 GB (2 x 1GB and 2 x 512 MB)

Hope it helps

What Slots Should Ram Go In The Morning


When everything else fails, read the instructions.