Poker Loose Cannon Definition

Definition of loose cannon in the dictionary. Meaning of loose cannon. What does loose cannon mean? Information and translations of loose cannon in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. There’s plenty of options out there with some Poker Loose Cannon Definition of them being extremely obscure or specific to Poker Loose Cannon Definition one region. However, some examples of currencies that are widely available in. Definition A poker game in which after the action in the hand has ended and a winner has been determined then all five community cards are revealed to all participants. If the flop has been seen and the action ends a winner is determined then the 2 community cards that had not been dealt yet are revealed to all participants.


  • An unpredictable or uncontrolled person who is liable to cause unintentional damage.

    ‘most of the cop heroes in contemporary films are loners and loose cannons’
    • ‘The establishment feared him as passionate and unpredictable - a loose cannon.’
    • ‘She'd changed quite a bit since the days of her being classified as a loose cannon and an unpredictable quality on the field.’
    • ‘Then there is the loose cannon of the Juventus side, the unpredictable genius who gives them an ability to score from nothing, a player capable of becoming the best in the world, if only he can curb his dark side.’
    • ‘A loose cannon might reveal corporate secrets, give out the wrong message, or even open up the company to legal trouble.’
    • ‘She is considered a loose cannon by her crew, often unpredictable in a fight.’
    • ‘Blogs that mention work are the sort of potential loose cannons that keep PR reps up until all hours worrying about damage to corporate reputations.’
    • ‘Europeans, cynical in politics and morals, think that this attitude makes us loose cannons.’
    • ‘They are not controllable, and they can be loose cannons which can be very dangerous.’
    • ‘They're loose cannons, and despite our differences in lifestyles, we get along with them.’
    • ‘The point about loose cannons is that they can be turned in any direction, not just that dictated by the party.’
    • ‘I've always (in my limited experience) found poker players at casinos to be engaging and chatty people, except for the occasional loose cannon.’
    • ‘He was a charismatic loose cannon, a leader with the makings of greatness repeatedly brought low by his own untamed passions and headstrong impulsiveness.’
    • ‘Obviously we were all put on alert in case there was a loose cannon targeting skydivers.’
    • ‘At worst, they could become a loose cannon in a dangerous political void,’ the source warned.’
    • ‘He's chronically depressed, sometimes suicidal, and a loose cannon.’
    • ‘Since his dismissal, he has become a loose cannon.’
    • ‘So, apparently, I was too posh and a potential loose cannon to boot.’
    • ‘He is a bit of a loose cannon and in a bank robbery mission he ignores direct orders to stand down and ends up accidentally shooting a hostage.’
    • ‘I was going to the gym every day, I was a bit of a loose cannon.’
    • ‘The last thing that the country needs is a loose cannon of his ilk.’
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