Life Boring Without Gambling
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  5. Life Boring Without Gambling
LifeLife Boring Without Gambling

Life Boring Without Gambling Losses

  • This topic has 22 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 9 months ago by .

Life Boring Without Gambling Addiction

  • I started a new thread as I’m not feeling so bad with some gamble free time behind me. I don’t necessarily need to be reminded of betting strategies as they can be a trigger for me.

    Although I’ve tried to gamble I can’t do to the barriers I have in place and it’s relieving that they are rock solid now. I’ve actually been blacklisted by all online gaming and took permanent self exclusion from some local betting places where I was still leaking some money.

    Reading stories can be an emotional reminder of past pains and also a trigger but it helps to be reminded of the devastation one bet can cause.

    So now I have a gamble free life, gambling is not an option and I feel good about that. I’ll continue to post on this new thread and wish everyone the best in their recoveries.

    Hi Iwon,
    A huge well done to you.
    Your approach to recovery is inspiring and you deserve every minute of gamble free time .
    As time passes you will feel better and better and I am delighted you have chosen to share your journey with us .
    Your post has really lifted me .

    Well done on your gamble free time and on having those barriers in place.

    I think it’s such a positive action to come on and post your last comment. We have all been there I’m sure. It happened many times to me. There isn’t a miracle cure but none of us would be here if there was.

    Be strong and positive tomorrow is a new day.

    I will be on chat at in 20 mins. Feel free to join if you like?

    Congratulations on coming back,
    it would be easy to just continue with the destruction.
    You know what works…..use it
    Keep posting, staying in touch really helps (I learnt this the hard way)
    Look forward to reading more from you,
    Love K xxx

    Hi I won a new life, I’m glad to hear that you have been able to stay clean. Hope to hear more about your experiences here. It will definitely go a long way to helping everyone here, me included.

    Hi New Life! I’m so glad you came back. I did too. I think over time I just stopped doing the things that had helped me stay clean for so long. In 2016 you said you were black listed and life long banned from local places. Can you get your barriers back in place for these new locations? More of these places than a dog has fleas it seems! All the best. You did it before, you can do it again. Wishing you strength.

    Hi IWON just checking in to see how things are going. Hope all is ok?

    Thanks for posting was hoping to hear from you today.

    What you have said makes so much sense, I was very similar.

    My main problem was exactly the same in that although it was not everyday when I did I carried on until I had nothing left. There was no rational thought but I would not give it up until I could not physically get money to carry on.

    The days I didn’t gamble I honestly believed it was not a problem but then did the cycle again.

    I carried on like this for so long and ultimately realisation came when I had nothing left to lose and hit rock bottom. I honestly wish I had recognised that I had a problem and to deal with it sooner as I wouldn’t have hit the bottom.

    Don’t get me wrong I don’t look back and regret this all the time. It is what it is but I would never want to see what happened with me happen to anyone else.

    Coming clean saved me and I honestly believe that I just wish I had done it sooner.

    It seems you have the choice now. Do whatever is right for you of course but I honestly believe by coming clean you will interrupt the cycle and things will start to change.

    Keep being positive.

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Life Boring Without Gambling Winnings


Life Boring Without Gambling Advice

When everyday life seemed boring. When I felt sure that I could spend time in a gambling situation without gambling. When I felt content with my life. Staying aware of how better your life is without gambling is vital in any relapse prevention strategy. If this conforms with any spiritual practice then all the better. When we have a grateful attitude, we are less likely to be searching for excitement. Try it, it really works.

Life Boring Without Gambling

  • Gambling can definitely take over your life. Leaving you nothing else to think about other then placing another bet. It leaves you with tunnel vision where you cant focus on anything else in your.
  • Research shows boredom to be responsible for increased risk of overeating, gambling, alcohol, and drug abuse, among others. Individuals with high boredom-proneness scored significantly more prone to suffer from anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and depression.